Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Crystal Ball: From the 16th to the 24th

Friday the 16th
Third West Rave at 9:00.
Saturday the 17th
9:00 pm Homecoming Festivities
Sunday the 18th
Fairwell Brunch for families
Monday the 19th
Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball,
Intermurals begin
Tuesday the 20th
Last day to add/drop classes
11:30 Am: Blood drive!
Wednesday the 21st
9:30 am Service Learning Fair
Vote for Dorm Reps (Primary).
KWRS DJing begins
Thursday the 22nd
9:30 PM: Half-Past 9:00 Kevin Hurley, Comedio-Hypno-Magician
Vote for Dorm Reps (Final Election)
Friday the 23rd
Pirate Night XII: LeChuck Strikes back.
Saturday the 24th.
8:00 PM: Mauchley Piano Duo
Grass Volleyball Tournament.